Finally, stories are now available to everyone using Telegram, just as we have on other social media platforms. The function was initially made available to Premium customers last month, and it is now accessible to all platform users. The statement was made today as Telegram is commemorating its 10th anniversary.
The ability for users to update their stories after uploading them distinguishes Telegram’s new feature from Stories on other networks. Once a Story goes live on a network like WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, or TikTok, you can’t modify it. You must erase the Story and then rewrite it if you wish to make changes. With the Stories feature in Telegram, a fresh approach is being used.

Telegram said in a blog post that:
“For the first time in the history of social media, you can update any element of your story at any time – changing its visibility, caption, on-screen text, stickers or anything else – without having to delete and repost it from scratch,”
The rest of Telegram’s Stories experience is similar to those on other platforms.
2. At the top of your chat list, in an expanded section, you’ll find stories. Any contact’s Stories can be hidden by transferring them to the “Hidden” list in your Contacts area rather than the home screen.
3. When a story expires is up to the user. You can set it to expire in 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours, for example. Or, like how Instagram allows you to display Story highlights, you can permanently display Stories on your profile page. You can also include captions and links in your Stories. You may also add tags for other persons.
4. You can tag other people in your Stories. Additionally, you will be able to concurrently post pictures and movies made with the front and back cameras in a manner akin to BeReal.
Telegram is still providing a benefit to Premium users about Stories, even though they are now accessible to all users and not just paying subscribers. Stealth Mode, a feature available to premium users, hides what they see for the next 25 minutes and erases their views from any stories they opened in the previous five minutes.
The ability for users to update their stories after uploading them distinguishes Telegram’s new feature from Stories on other networks. Once a Story goes live on a network like WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, or TikTok, you can’t modify it. You must erase the Story and then rewrite it if you wish to make changes. With the Stories feature in Telegram, a fresh approach is being used.

Telegram said in a blog post that:
“For the first time in the history of social media, you can update any element of your story at any time – changing its visibility, caption, on-screen text, stickers or anything else – without having to delete and repost it from scratch,”
The rest of Telegram’s Stories experience is similar to those on other platforms.
Here is what you can do with Telegram stories
1. You can specify whether or not anyone, only your connections, your contacts, or a list of close friends can see your Stories.2. At the top of your chat list, in an expanded section, you’ll find stories. Any contact’s Stories can be hidden by transferring them to the “Hidden” list in your Contacts area rather than the home screen.
3. When a story expires is up to the user. You can set it to expire in 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours, for example. Or, like how Instagram allows you to display Story highlights, you can permanently display Stories on your profile page. You can also include captions and links in your Stories. You may also add tags for other persons.
4. You can tag other people in your Stories. Additionally, you will be able to concurrently post pictures and movies made with the front and back cameras in a manner akin to BeReal.
Telegram is still providing a benefit to Premium users about Stories, even though they are now accessible to all users and not just paying subscribers. Stealth Mode, a feature available to premium users, hides what they see for the next 25 minutes and erases their views from any stories they opened in the previous five minutes.