In our daily activities data is something that we cant do without and we all tend to look for ways to buy data at a cheaper rate. For the past few months, a lot of data plans have been introduced, while some others only work on a few sims.
How to Know How Much Data to Buy
First of all, calculate how many times you top up your data in a month and how much do you spend on data in a month? If you use more than 16GB of data monthly and you spend more than N5000 on data monthly, then it is time you should carefully consider Unlimited Data Plan.Best Data Plans for Weekly heavy Users
If you recharge your data every week and it still doesn’t serve you to the fullest, then it is time to consider 6GB for N1500.6GB data for N1500 is a new plan introduced on both MTN and Airtel networks. It works on all devices and doesn’t zap compared to others.
To subscribe to MTN weekly 6GB Plan, dial *131# and follow the prompt
To subscribe to Airtel weekly 6GB Plan, dial *141# and follow the prompt.
Alternatively, dial *141# and check ‘my offer’, you might be eligible for 16GB for N3000 on Airtel network.
Best Data Plan For Heavy Downloaders
MTN 4GB for N500: Do you have something big to download? Maybe movies, files, music or anything at all… no need to waste your normal subscription as you can easily with the said amount, get 4GB of data valid for 2 days.The 4GB is exclusive to new SIM, if you try old sim, you’ll only get 2GB. Dial *131*1*1*5# to get the package or dial *131#… You’ll be given 2GB plus extra 2GB summing it up to 4GB.
Best Data Plans For Normal Internet Users
MTN Data4Me:
This offer from MTN is exclusive to some special customers, and it gives you special data deals at an exclusive cheaper rate.You can get 5GB for just N1000.
If your SIM isn’t eligible, you get the message saying “Dear customer you can only enjoy 3 times of all your recharge”. You might need to get another MTN SIM for it.
How to Get the Deal
Dial *567*143#. Validity is 14 days.1.5GB for N500 Exclusive to MTN Pulse users:
Recharge your line with N500 and dial *406*2# to subscribe.Data is valid for 7 days
Dial *131*4# for data balance.
MTN 300% Bonus Offer:
It is a new offer from MTN that gives subscribers 300% BONUS on all recharges & TGIF 150MB data bonus.Everyone should be qualified for this offer… You can try it out to be sure.
How to Subscribe for 300% MTN Bonus
Dial *131*66#, select 1 to opt in fully into the package.Note: You’ll enjoy this offer for just 3 months after which the bonus offer will be discontinued on your SIM chip.
9mobile 1GB + 3Hours Free Streaming
This is a new offer from 9mobile to help regain back her lost customers. It gives you 1GB + 3hours of free streaming for just N200.How to Subscribe to 1GB + 3 Hours Streaming for N200
- Get a new 9mobile SIM or if your 9mobile SIM is not older than 3months, and recharge it with N200
- Dial *253*20# to subscribe to the package
- You’ll be given 1GB + 3 Hours of free streaming.
Dial *228# for data balance. Validity for this plan is just 2 days.
Glo Massive 28GB for N2500
I still don’t understand the metrics behind it but it appears to be exclusive to some die-hard users. You get 23.4GB bonus plus 5.5GB normal data subscription. That’s over 28GB data for just N2500. All you need to do is renew your data before the current plan expire with the stated amount.
Ideally, N2500 data should give you 5.5GB + 7.5GB bonus (13GB) if you renew on time before the expiration of your current data plan, but you get a whooping 28GB data. If Glo network is superb in your current location, you can give it a short.