Ever thought of an African Community? A Dark World Digital Frontier, top notch forum with topics that actually matter? A digital community that really brings a positive change to your way of life, up your standard of living, and expose you to endless opportunities? In the internet nowadays anybody has the power to create information and data, but also came the problem of miss-information and fake data. Hidira has offered a bit of solution to information management. With a front line questions and answers forum, back-end unique social networking and an inbuilt resume completion system.
Hidira comes with a lot of features some of which;
Collaborative Docs- this allows Hidira users to create and work on the same document at the same time. For instance people working on the same project can work on the same document without having to save a copy and transfer to a hard drive before the other can open and edit. This feature comes with privileges.
Questions and Answers Forum- the front end questions and answers forum feature in Hidira allows users to manage information, ask questions and learn while maintaining a social environment.
Inbuilt Resume Completion- most social networks can give one the chance of becoming the next big thing by having the right crowd. But how are they influencing our everyday life? Popularity doesn’t just cut it at times. Hidira’s inbuilt resume completion feature allows its users to professionally complete your resume while maintaining the modern social networking environment.
This feature has made recruitment and order for interview easier than one can ever think of. Imagine you want to recruit a bunch of people to your company or a quick contract, requesting for their Hidira Profiles will make it a lot easier for you and the potential employee, by completing your profile you don’t need to carry about hard copies of your resume to everywhere and employers don’t need to have hard copies of resumes filled in his office, this goes a long way to save resources, space, time and many other things along the line.
HiDrive - the HiDrive is an inbuilt drive unique to every Hidira user, users can upload or backup anything in their drive, share with friends, colleges, other Hidira users, and so on. Assume you are a lecturer, community organization, association, society or union and you have a bunch of documents, rules or guidelines, even soft copies of hand outs or manuals. You can upload it to your HiDrive and have it password protected. Also you can create a Hidira Group and make it available to group members, assuming your association, union or community has a Hidira Group. Also users can upload their CV and be able to access it at anytime.
Hidira comes with lots of other unique features like “Mute”, “Chat”, “Points.”
To sign up to Hidira complete the registration fields in the registration page, or simply login with your social account. And Yes! Every feature in Hidira starting from registration is free. A copy of The Official Hidira App can also be found on The Google PlayStore.