Now you can easily Make Easy Shortcuts in Windows 10 using the simple windows settings that will help you to control certain things conveniently. So follow the complete guide discussed below to proceed.
Shortcuts make it easy to perform any task in a very quick way, and in our daily lives we do try to find up or do use up many shortcuts. Talking about the Windows operating system, which we are to discuss in this article, we know that there are some of the common shortcuts like shut down using Alt+F4 keys, copy using Ctrl+c etc. Now, these type of shortcuts is already dubbed inside the windows while you cannot change the values of any of these default shortcuts.
Here are all the keywords:
Here in this, we have just provided you with the easy method to make up the shortcuts in the Windows 10, and utilizing this method will help you create almost any shortcut for the tasks you would think of. As you have read about the method, you possibly would have got to know one thing that it is not intense at all and complex actions and amendments are not at all required to fulfill it. At last, we have only one thing to say that if you people liked the article and got benefitted out of it then please try to like it and share it. Also, try to share your valuable suggestions and opinions regarding the post, and for all this purpose go to the comments section below!
Shortcuts make it easy to perform any task in a very quick way, and in our daily lives we do try to find up or do use up many shortcuts. Talking about the Windows operating system, which we are to discuss in this article, we know that there are some of the common shortcuts like shut down using Alt+F4 keys, copy using Ctrl+c etc. Now, these type of shortcuts is already dubbed inside the windows while you cannot change the values of any of these default shortcuts.
In case if you are in need to do any task for several times then any shortcuts for the tasks could help you out. But as there is only limited number of shortcuts inside the windows then how could you make the new shortcuts so that your task might be done faster. Fortunately, the Windows have the ability to provide the users with the option using which any new shortcuts could be made. Here in this article, we have written all about the method through which you can be able to make the easy shortcuts for the tasks in Windows 10 Simply read up the article and hence know about it!
The method is quite simple and easy and you just need to follow the simple step by step guide below to proceed.
Steps on How to Make Easy Shortcuts in Windows 10:
1. Making of the new shortcuts is no difficulty at all. You have to decide first about what kind of shortcut you need to make like the opening of an app, adding of gestures functions etc. Be defined about the shortcut and you will be able to make the shortcut in next steps. So just begin up and Right click on the blank space of the Windows desktop.
2. Choose the option Shortcuts from the list menu that appears and then click on it. We will be listing you all the items for the different shortcuts and the keywords for that which you will need to type in the field that appears after the click. This will then create a shortcut which will perform the function pointed to the selected keyword.
The method is quite simple and easy and you just need to follow the simple step by step guide below to proceed.
Steps on How to Make Easy Shortcuts in Windows 10:
1. Making of the new shortcuts is no difficulty at all. You have to decide first about what kind of shortcut you need to make like the opening of an app, adding of gestures functions etc. Be defined about the shortcut and you will be able to make the shortcut in next steps. So just begin up and Right click on the blank space of the Windows desktop.
2. Choose the option Shortcuts from the list menu that appears and then click on it. We will be listing you all the items for the different shortcuts and the keywords for that which you will need to type in the field that appears after the click. This will then create a shortcut which will perform the function pointed to the selected keyword.
Here are all the keywords:
- Closed captioning- ms-settings:easeofaccess-closedcaptioning
- High contrast- ms-settings:easeofaccess-highcontrast
- Keyboard- ms-settings:easeofaccess-keyboard
- Calendar- ms-settings:privacy-calendar
- Camera- ms-settings:privacy-webcam
- Contacts- ms-settings:privacy-contacts
- Feedback- ms-settings:privacy-feedback
- Location- ms-settings:privacy-location
- Messaging- ms-settings:privacy-messaging
- Microphone- ms-settings:privacy-microphone
- Motion- ms-settings:privacy-motion
- Other devices (privacy)- ms-settings:privacy-customdevices
- Privacy- ms-settings:privacy
- Radios- ms-settings:privacy-radios
- Speech, inking, and typing- ms-settings:privacy-speechtyping
- Connected devices- ms-settings:connecteddevices
- Family and other users- ms-settings:otherusers
- Lockscreen- ms-settings:lockscreen
- Notifications and actions- ms-settings:notifications
- Proximity- ms-settings:proximity
- Signin options- ms-settings:signinoptions
- Storage Sense- ms-settings:storagesense
- Tablet mode- ms-settings://tabletmode/
- Windows Update- ms-settings:windowsupdate
- Work access- ms-settings:workplace
- Magnifier- ms-settings:easeofaccess-magnifier
- Mouse- ms-settings:easeofaccess-mouse
- Narrator- ms-settings:easeofaccess-narrator
- Other options- ms-settings:easeofaccess-otheroptions
- Battery Saver- ms-settings:batterysaver
- Battery Saver settings- ms-settings:batterysaver-settings
- Battery use- ms-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails
- Power and sleep- ms-settings:powersleep
- Backgrounds- ms-settings:personalization-background
- Colors (display)- ms-settings:colors
- Colors (personaliation)- ms-settings:personalization-colors
- Date and time- ms-settings:dateandtime
- Display- ms-settings:display
- Mouse and touchpad- ms-settings:mousetouchpad
- Personalization- ms-settings:personalization
- Region and language- ms-settings:regionlanguage
- Screen rotation- ms-settings:screenrotation
- Speech- ms-settings:speech
- Start- ms-settings:personalization-start
- Themes- ms-settings:themes
- Typing- ms-settings:typing
- Airplane mode- ms-settings:network-airplanemode
- Bluetooth- ms-settings:bluetooth
- Cellular- ms-settings:network-cellular
- Data usage- ms-settings:datausage
- Dialup- ms-settings:network-dialup
- DirectAccess- ms-settings:network-directaccess
- Ethernet- ms-settings:network-ethernet
- Manage Wi-Fi- ms-settings:network-wifisettings
- Mobile hotspot- ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot
- Proxy- ms-settings:network-proxy
- Wi-Fi- ms-settings:network-wifi
- VPN- ms-settings:network-vpn
- For developers- ms-settings:developers
- Offline maps- ms-settings:maps
- Optional features- ms-settings:optionalfeatures
- Account info- ms-settings:privacy-accountinfo
Here in this, we have just provided you with the easy method to make up the shortcuts in the Windows 10, and utilizing this method will help you create almost any shortcut for the tasks you would think of. As you have read about the method, you possibly would have got to know one thing that it is not intense at all and complex actions and amendments are not at all required to fulfill it. At last, we have only one thing to say that if you people liked the article and got benefitted out of it then please try to like it and share it. Also, try to share your valuable suggestions and opinions regarding the post, and for all this purpose go to the comments section below!