Hackers have sent the detailed plot outline of Season 7 climax which is named “Dragon and the Wolf” to Mashable, The Independent and Express UK and asked them to publish the script. However, all of them decided not to publish it.
From the past few months, HBO is going through the worst time. We have seen hackers managed to hack into the HBO networks and leaked the unreleased episodes of TV shows.
If that was not enough, hackers have also threatened to leak the upcoming Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7 ahead of its official release data. The hacker goes by the name “Mr. Smith” has threaded HBO and asked them to “be ready for GOT S07 E06 & E07 leak as soon as possible”
Now hackers have sent the detailed plot outline of Season 7 climax which is named “Dragon and the Wolf” to Mashable, The Independent and Express UK and asked them to publish the script. However, all of them decided not to publish it.
According to the reports from Mashable, the hacking group has demanded approximately $6.5 million worth of Bitcoin from HBO. In return, HBO told Mashable in a statement
The hackers have also told Mashable

From the past few months, HBO is going through the worst time. We have seen hackers managed to hack into the HBO networks and leaked the unreleased episodes of TV shows.
If that was not enough, hackers have also threatened to leak the upcoming Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7 ahead of its official release data. The hacker goes by the name “Mr. Smith” has threaded HBO and asked them to “be ready for GOT S07 E06 & E07 leak as soon as possible”
Now hackers have sent the detailed plot outline of Season 7 climax which is named “Dragon and the Wolf” to Mashable, The Independent and Express UK and asked them to publish the script. However, all of them decided not to publish it.
According to the reports from Mashable, the hacking group has demanded approximately $6.5 million worth of Bitcoin from HBO. In return, HBO told Mashable in a statement
The hacker may continue to drop bits and pieces of stolen information in an attempt to generate media attention. that’s a game we’re not going to participate in
The hackers have also told Mashable
By the way, we officially inform you and other hundred of reporters whom emailing us that we sold ‘HBO IS FALLING’s entire collection (5 TB!!!) to 3 customer in deep web and we earned half of requested ransom
We put a condition for our respected customers and they approved. We will leak many many waves of HBO’s internal stuff to punish them for playing us and set an example of greedy corporation. Game of throne is over