MMM has been in Nigeria for a while, and i can attest that the system pays money to its participants, and most of the participants do not know were the bonuses or percentages are coming from.
I call MMM, Money Making Machine read on to know why. I met someone who was referred to the MMM system and he did not know how to use the internet that much, so he asked for my assistant, when i asked him how the MMM system works, to cut the long story short, he said he did not know, but only witnessed when someone paid money to his friend's account and that friend of his, now referred him to the system and created account for him.
He asked me to join, but i decided to study the system first before joining. That was how i heard about the MMM system.
Since then, have been studying the MMM system, and also quite about it, not because am afraid of saying anything, but because i wanted have something to say. If you really want to know more about the system called MMM read through this post.
I call MMM, Money Making Machine read on to know why. I met someone who was referred to the MMM system and he did not know how to use the internet that much, so he asked for my assistant, when i asked him how the MMM system works, to cut the long story short, he said he did not know, but only witnessed when someone paid money to his friend's account and that friend of his, now referred him to the system and created account for him.
He asked me to join, but i decided to study the system first before joining. That was how i heard about the MMM system.
Since then, have been studying the MMM system, and also quite about it, not because am afraid of saying anything, but because i wanted have something to say. If you really want to know more about the system called MMM read through this post.
In this post, i will be telling you the hidden truth about the system called MMM that must members of the system do no know.
Things To Note About MMM system:
- MMM is not an investment scheme: its quite appalling that some Nigerians are desperate of making money by any means once they have seen someone who got money through that means without deeply studying how he/she got the money. MMM is not an investment scheme because the system do not have access to participant money, not talk of using it to do business and giving participant returns.
- MMM will crash: Even the organizers of MMM knows this, so they made it clear that participants should use there spare money for it.
- You will find this note or warning at the header/top of the MMM users dashboard, after you must have login to your account. This is the reason why it will crash. In my quest in studying the MMM system, i asked a participant this question, "Where do MMM gets money to pay for its hosting, domain name, and how do the founder of MMM make his own money?" I was shocked by the answer i got, The person said: "Google and service providers pay MMM system" and continued "We use data to do MMM and pay for the data and must people use google to search about MMM, so google pays MMM for the searches people make to get to MMM site and service providers pays MMM from the data people use to do MMM" this is one of the reason why i wrote this post. Let me make this clear, Google do not pay any website owner that do not put google ads on their website through the google adsense program. It will also interest you to know that google through the adsense program will not approve MMM website to its adsense program because google through adsense program only accept websites that post content, am talking about blog and MMM website is not a blog. Bloggers will understand this better. And also, no service provider is paying any website owner for the data that their website visitors use. Continue reading to know why MMM will crash.
- Where do MMM gets its percentage/bonus that participantscollect? like i said earlier, MMM system will crash some day. MMM generates its percentages/bonuses that are giving to its participant from the system itself, which means the was programmed to pay money to participant that have provided help and want to receive help and also adding percentages to it. Those percentage are more like dept that the system must pay someday, because the dept is accumulating as participant receives help from the system.
- When will MMM crash? like i said again, MMM will crash. MMM will crash when people stop referring persons to the MMM system and when the number of persons in the system that have provided help equals to the dept that the system is owing and no new participant are joining/signing up.
In Conclusion:
I support the Federal Governmentof Nigeria in its step to ban the MMM system. With all the points i have mentioned above, you will see that MMM will cause more harm than good in the nearest feature because you can not tell me that people will not stop joining the system. Now you know why i called MMM, Money Making Machine. Before you join this system, think about what i have just said.
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