How To Add More Option To Your "Power Off" Menu Via Xposed Framework

Android smartphones or device pops up or displays 3 to 4 options when the power button is long pressed, you might find reboot, power off, change of profiles and more options when the power button is long pressed.

I am about to show you how you can add more options to the menu that pops up when you long press the power button in this post. Follow the steps carefully and stick with the instructions.

Things You Need To Add More Option To Your "Power Off" Menu Via Xposed Framework

  • Your android device or android smartphone must be rooted. Click here for steps on how to root your android smartphone.
  • Download and Install Xposed Framework From Here. 
  • Download and Install Xposed Framework Advanced Power Menu Application from Here. 
Note: Xposed framework Advanced Power Menu application will allow you edit the power options. You will need to enable this app in the Xposed installer to make this application change system settings and files.

How To Add More Option To Your "Power Off" Menu Via Xposed Framework

Launch Xposed Framework Advanced Power Menu Application, you will see lots of options like Anti-theft options and much more.

You can even edit the Details of reboot option to have some extra reboot options like the soft reboot, bootloader etc.

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