You Can Now Buy MTN 4G LTE Modem and Mifi Now at Cheap Price | See Live Images

Its no longer news that MTN NG has launched it 4G LTE network in Nigeria and its Currently available nation wide. 

MTN has recently start selling its 4G LTE Modem and Mifi across the country Nigeria. MTN NG is currently selling this 4G LTE modem and Mifi at a promotion price and may change as soon as possible, so if you are interested get one now while the promotional offer last.

Where Can i Buy MTN NG 4G LTE Modem and Mifi?

Visit any MTN NG store close to you

How Much Can i Get This MTN 4G LTE Modem or Mifi?

The MTN 4G LTE modem cost 3,000 Naira while the Mifi cost 5,000 Naira.

Live Images of MTN 4G LTE Mifi

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