How To Use The Etisalat Free Browsing Tweak With Tweakware V3.5

Recently i introduced etisalat free browsing tweak which is still rocking with psiphon  and other VPN handlers. Tweakware recent application update version 3.5 now comes with pre-installed etisalat free browsing tweak settings, so you can now use this free browsing tweak without configuring or tweaking it yourself.

How To Use The Etisalat Free Browsing Tweak With Tweakware V3.5

  • Download Tweakware V3.5 Apk Android App Here
  • Install it and launch the app. 
  • Go to settings
  • Click on Bundle settings
  • Then click mark Enable Bundle settings
  • Now click on Select bundle settings
  • After that, select Etisalat 0.0kb (NG) from the list of free browsing options
  • Finally, go back and hit the connect. You will see successful handshake and It will connect immediately. Then start enjoying your free browsing. 
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