China earlier made known to the public about there new project which is an Elevated Train that moves over othere cars, to read more and see the prototype pictures click here.
This train is said to reduce the traffic jam situation in china, it will carry over 300 passengers, its powered by electricty, moves with a speed around 40mph, while other cars will pass under it.
A report from Xinhua said the elevated train underwent its first inaugural test yesterday. Although it was not a full display of its ultimate capacity as it only transverse a controlled track of just 300 meters, but it is a proof that this is much more than a concept.
Although this train underwent series of changes like, the extending ramps that will convey passengers to the train was change to an elevated platform, the extending ramps was shown in the animated test that was previously launch.
My Question is When is it Coming To Nigeria maybe in the year 2020?