How to Read Facebook Messages without sender knowing (Hide Seen)

Everybody wants to maintain their privacy and keep their online activity hidden from others. You’re online, but you don’t want anyone to know, you read senders messages without wanting them to know that you’ve already read it.

It’s normal that your privacy is kept hidden, maybe for one reason or the other. For the past months, my chats for all friends had been turned off on Facebook, I’m online but offline from your end. This helps me receive lesser messages.

Today, I’ll be revealing another amazing Facebook trick to you, on how to hide the “seen” features from your Facebook, so when you read messages sent by others, it would still be pending at their end as unseen, while you’ve already gone through their messages.

How to Hide the “Seen” Features on Facebook Chats/Messages

1. Firstly, you’ll need to download “Social Reviver” chrome extension. It’s the extension that lets you gain access to hide the features, as the option isn’t available on Facebook.

2. After that, add the extension to your chrome browser, restart the browser and log into your Facebook account.

3. Once you’re logged in, you’ll notice the Facebook old interface. Simply go to the top right-hand corner of your Facebook, click on “Account” and select the “SocialReviver Settings”.

4. Now you’ll see all the settings from the Socialreviver plugin, simply select the “Chat” tab and tick the box that says “Don’t let your friends know when you read the messages they send to you in chat” as seen in the image below.

5. Close and you’re done.

That’s it on how to hide the “seen” features on Facebook. Your friends won’t know that you’ve read their messages, with that; you’ve improved your privacy. If you got any say, please do let me know via comment section… don’t forget to share this trick with your friends via social networks.
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