Opera Mini Have Added Free and Unlimited VPN features on iOS

Few weeks ago, we welcomed the latest Opera which offers free and unlimited VPN features for desktop users which I did published via “Latest Opera Browser features free and Unlimited VPN Access” and also provided you guys with the direct download link of the Opera. Now, Opera finally brings same feature on the iOS version of their app.

It’s good news for iOS users; you can now download the latest version of Opera with free and unlimited VPN. You can kiss goodbye to any other third party VPN application and save more while accessing the VPN features on the latest Opera for iOS.

Having downloaded the latest opera for iOS, you can freely browse securely through the internet, hide your IP address and surf anonymously. Hope you don’t miss this guide on how to create your personal proxy address.

Available regions on the VPN include Canada, Germany, Netherland, Singapore and United states. These are major regions that people do request on VPN and it’s nice for Opera team to include those regions.

You can download the latest Opera for iOS here, go to settings and enable usage of VPN on the opera. Soonest, this features would be integrated on Opera for Android OS.
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