How To Stop Your Facebook Account Being Used to Share NSFW Links

Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed a lot of people on my Facebook friends list sharing posts from different blogs. A new tactic some of these bloggers use is to create Facebook apps and tricking ignorant users to grant access to their account. We’ve extensively covered getting hacked through phishing but this method is different. A user is tricked into granting an attacker access to their account through a Facebook app.

Dialogs like this should be canceled unless you trust the website or application fully. Granting the wrong app access to your account often leads to seeing unwanted posts on your Facebook wall. Most of the time, these posts are often pornographic in nature and the first thing victims try to do is to change their passwords. This won’t work. Once you’ve granted an application access to your account, changing your password may not really stop the posts from showing up on your Facebook timeline. Even worse, you may be posting on your friends’ timeline without you even knowing.

It can be pretty embarrassing when your friends think you’re sharing porn, right? There’s a simple way to fix this and all you have to do is remove the Facebook app responsible for it.
On mobile Facebook (Android app)

1. Open the mobile app and go to the menu tab, select Account Settings

2. Go to Apps > Logged in with Facebook, and you should be able to see all the applications you’ve granted access to your account.

3. From this page, you should be able to see that app posting to your wall. If you can’t determine which one it is, you may have to remove every one of them. Click on the suspicious app posting on your wall, scroll down and select Remove App.

On the next page, be sure to mark the checkbox before tappign the Remove button.

That’s it. The posts showing on your wall automatically should cease. As said earlier, if you’re not sure which of the apps is doing this, you may have to repeat these steps for all the apps on the list.
On Facebook web version

1. Access Facebook settings page

2. From the left sidebar, go to Apps. From here, you should be able to see the shady one doing the dirty work. If you’ve grated lots of apps access already and you can’t find it, you may need to click Show All.

3. Highlight the suspicious app and click the Remove (pencil) icon.

4. Mark the checkbox and click the Remove button.

This should stop the app and delete all its activities on your wall. As said earlier, you may have to repeat these steps for all the apps on the list if you’re not sure which of them is posting on your wall.
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