



This thread is absolutely dedicated to keep you guys updated with ways to transfer ur Data Bundle & share with friends or whatever. To make it brief; i will scope you guys on all the networks. Lets kickoff with Airtel!

::Transfering Data With Airtel::

Its no more news that you can start sending (megabyte) mb through the plans that Airtel has brought up within their network. Now airtel to airtel customers can transfer mb to themselves.

Here are the new packages:

To transfer 10mb-dial *141*712*11*recipient number#

To transfer 25mb-

dial *141*712*9*recipient number#

To transfer 60mb-

dial *141*712*4*recipient number#

NOTE: Each transfer operation cost #100. So there's no use to share 10mb for someone cos they gon charge same amount that's supposed to be bought with.

REMEMBER: of recent launched plans or code to get latest plans, they're likely the same. E.g. Instead of buying a data of 15mb by dialing *141*11*1# just don't add HASH make sure you include recipient's number be4 hash.

MTN Data Gifting: Data Gifting service allows you to send a data bundle to your friends and loved ones, by simply paying for the data bundle on behalf of the person.

Data Gifting can also be used to send data to your other smartphones, modems and iPad.

::How to send Data as a Gift Plan::

Option 1 (SMS):

1. Register for the Data Gifting service by sending keyword REG to 131; you will receive a unique authentication PIN

2. Text key word "GIFT [MSISDN] [Data Bundle Code][PIN] to 131. E.g Gift 0803xxxxxxxx 106 0000. Where 106 is the code of 100MB monthly plan and 0000 is your PIN" Option 2 (USSD):

Dial *131# and follow the menu

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